Hooke Kits™ for EAE Induction in SJL Mice

By active immunization with PLP139-151

Emulsion supplied in pre-filled syringes, ready to use.

EAE will develop in 90 to 100% of mice within 9 to 15 days from immunization. Approximately 50 to 80% of mice will relapse after initial partial or complete recovery. Maximum score for individual mice will typically be 2.0 to 3.5.

Each lot is tested and individually adjusted to ensure consistent disease induction.

Properly prepared emulsions are critical for reliable induction of many autoimmune disease models. Our emulsions are carefully made and pre-filled into syringes, ready to use, to reduce time needed to set up experiments.

Lot-to-lot reagent variations can cause dramatic changes in severity of induced autoimmune disease. The consistent potency of pre-characterized Hooke Kits™ eliminates time-consuming testing.

Pre-filled syringes are prepared under aseptic conditions and delivered in sterilized plastic bags for easy disinfection before introduction into your mouse facility.

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is the model most commonly used to study efficacy of potential drugs for treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Because of its many similarities to MS, EAE is used to study pathogenesis of autoimmunity, CNS inflammation, demyelination, cell trafficking and tolerance induction.

EAE is characterized by paralysis (in some models the paralysis is relapsing-remitting), CNS inflammation and demyelination. EAE is initiated by myelin-specific CD4+ T cells, with glia cells (microglia and astrocytes), B cells, macrophages, NK cells, and dendritic cells all playing important roles in disease development.

Kit selection

For most labs we recommended starting with kit EK-0120 for study of either the initial wave of EAE, or for study of EAE relapses.

However, PLP139-151 induced EAE in SJL mice is sensitive to small variations in mice and in laboratory environments.

If EAE severity with EK-0120 is insufficient, and the goal is to study the initial wave of EAE, we recommend kit EK-2120, which includes pertussis toxin (PTX). The PTX induces a more severe initial wave of EAE, but it can also reduce the incidence and severity of relapses.

If EAE severity with EK-0120 is insufficient, and the goal is to study EAE relapses, we recommend EK-0230, which uses the native mouse PLP peptide. This will induce more severe EAE than EK-0120, and will not reduce relapse incidence.

For more information on model and antigen selection, please see Learning Center - What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different EAE models and antigens?.

These kits can be customized for a small additional charge. Contact us at with your requirements.


Adoptive Transfer EAE in SJL Mice
EAE Induction by Active Immunization in SJL Mice
Immunization of Mice for Generation of Encephalitogenic T Cells

Detailed contents

Each kit provides sufficient reagents for 10 mice.

Antigen for EK-0120 and EK-2120 is serine-substituted [Ser140]-PLP139-151, sequence HSLGKWLGHPDKF.

Antigen for EK-0230 is native mouse PLP139-151, sequence HCLGKWLGHPDKF.

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3 Syringes, pre-filled with 0.7 mL antigen/CFA emulsion
0.25 to 0.50 mg antigen/mL emulsion (adjusted per lot for consistent potency)
~ 1 mg killed mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra/mL emulsion
(all concentrations adjusted by lot for consistent EAE induction)
1 Vial containing 1.5 µg pertussis toxin (PTX) in glycerol buffer (EK-2120 only)
2 1 mL syringes
2 27G needles
1 25G needle
1 Data sheet: Recommended experimental protocol, typical results

Typical results


Tuohy VK et al, J Immunol 142:1523 (1989)
McRae BL et al, J Neuroimmunol 38:229 (1992)

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

(PDF) (EK-2120 only)

Related products


CK-0120     Hooke Control Kit™ for EK-0120 (full size)
CK-5120     Hooke Control Kit™ for EK-0120 (half size)

CK-2120     Hooke Control Kit™ for EK-2120 (full size)
CK-7120     Hooke Control Kit™ for EK-2120 (half size)

CK-0230     Hooke Control Kit™ for EK-0230 (full size)
CK-5230     Hooke Control Kit™ for EK-5230 (half size)

Tissue and cells from mice with EAE